Cohen & Buckmann, P.C.


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Elizabeth Drigotas to Speak at Practicing Law Institute Executive Compensation Event

By Elizabeth Drigotas ·

Elizabeth Drigotas will be participating in the Practicing Law Institute program, “Hot Issues in Executive Compensation 2020,” as a panelist of the session, “Executive Compensation: Restructurings/Investments/Takeover Preparation.” The session will be held on Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 10:45 a.m. and will cover:

  • Executive compensation considerations in bankruptcy/special issues

  • Emerging from restructuring

  • Takeover preparedness

  • 280G in asset sales and investments

As the economy absorbs the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the legislature, SEC, and shareholders respond, the design, implementation and disclosure of executive compensation undergoes continual change. At this full-day program, experts in the area will lead you through the emerging best practices and the current reactions to the changing landscape. More information about the event and registration is available on the event website.